Archive for the ‘Key-Holder’ Category


Half way through Locktober, I WAS let out of the Jailbird twice, for a full blown orgasm each time. So I won’t be able to say that I was locked completely 24/7 for the entire month, but each time out was so short (maybe about 30 minutes TOTAL) that I’ll just add a note and not even reset the counter on my Current Status page.

Angel does like the idea of Locktober, but it just so happens that our anniversary falls during the same month. And as previously written, I surprised her with a trip to a place with a private pool inside our suite! (re-read that story here in case you missed it!) I had joked with Angel before we left, that this surprise was probably going to have her so turned on that it was going to be a “panty-dropping moment” as soon as she saw what it was! Her response was “Oh, we’re going to Hugh Jackman’s house?!” Dammit.. Guess I’ll have to settle for SECOND best panty-dropping surprise for her! Lol

But nonetheless, we obviously had LOTS of sexy time together last weekend, of which there will be many more details written here in future posts! I was locked for the vast majority of time, but Angel made comments on several occasions that before we left she wanted to have me out and actually have REAL sex in the pool for a change! I blew that off and kept redirecting her attention (with more orgasms, of course) as long as I could, but after all she IS the one ultimately in control of whether or not I am allowed out of chastity! (more…)


Angel and I have been taking some dance lessons together for a little while now, and recently got back into the routine of that after taking nearly a year off due to Angel having a little accident and breaking her leg right above the ankle. Last week we had one of our private lessons, followed immediately by a group class which we’d signed up for that week.

In the groups, men and women are lined up opposite each other to learn our respective steps separately. Then we try them again with a partner. Most folks generally at least begin with the partner they came with, but there are also sometimes singles in the group on either side; and anyways after a couple of practice steps with your partner they make it a point to rotate the line so that everybody essentially dances with everybody else at various points through the night. It is a good system, and we’ve both learned a lot more that way from people who had already learned from past missteps, and can sometimes offer more practical pointers than what the instructors might necessarily think of on the spot.

Anyway, the point is that last week while rotating through the line, there was one woman in particular that I ended up dancing with a few times whom I couldn’t help but notice was wearing a nice little charm on her necklace in the form of a heart-shaped key. I realize that odds are, this is just a completely innocent little symbol: “key to my heart” type of romantic mumbo jumbo. But of course my rather kinky, chastity brain started wondering if maybe, just maybe it was something deeper than that and she actually has somebody locked up!



WOW, OK… Being locked in a chastity device for so long must definitely mess with a guy’s mind a bit, huh? I mean, could I really get to a point where I truly don’t even WANT to get out and have a “real” orgasm? Am I already at that point? I’ve long said that I don’t CARE when I get out, as I want it to be completely Angel’s decision… but in the heat of the moment I always still WANT to be out! Let’s back up a little bit though, and analyze my real-life account of last weekend (yes, I’ve been working this draft for several days now)…

This story takes place a week after I had ventured out into the local community to attend an intro “Rope Bondage” class. It went pretty well and was a lot of fun (read about it here and here.) I just hadn’t had any chance yet to practice any of my new knots on Angel. Saturday morning we woke up both a little frisky, but still couldn’t do very much because we heard that the kids were already up and moving around the house as well. Still, I rolled on top of her to simulate what she had to look forward to LATER if she wished! I held both of her wrists together over her head and said that I might just have to tie them like that to make sure she couldn’t stop me from giving her extra orgasms!



A comment came in over on my Discussion Board that I wanted to address in a new post rather than being hidden out there on a separate page.  This may be one of the last topics to come through that particular board, as I am trying to figure out the best way to shut down new comments there without losing the old content, in favor of running any new such discussions through my FetLife group.


Of course, you are always welcome to comment on any individual blog posts about the topic at hand, or send me a direct e-mail via my Contact Page.  Just please be advised that FetLife really is to be the preferred medium going forward for any general discussions like this that fall outside of existing blog entries.  It is free to join, you’ll never be forced to enter a credit card # or anything along those lines, and there is a WEALTH of information out there far beyond my group.  So come on out and join us!

But back to the topic at hand!  Juan wrote:

I’m considering chastity as a self imposed solution to reduce masturbation, porn, and clear my mind. Has anyone done it for this reason?

I have a friend that will hold the key and keep me accountable. My goal is to make it 365 days.

Suggestions and thoughts are appreciative.


I had something new and interesting come up the other day, where a reader and aspiring author [HappilyLockedMan] wrote to ask if I would possibly be interested in reading over a short story (fiction) that he had written.  Of course I’m always a sucker for a good chastity story, real or fiction, so I obliged.  And I have to say, it was good!  In my opinion, right out of the gate I’d call it just as good if not better than a large part of other similar content I’ve ever come across out on the net.

Anyway, over the course of several e-mails I found myself helping HappilyLockedMan with some editing, and I think there’s really a pretty decent product here!  Now as I told him, I have no credentials whatsoever as a copy editor, but I have picked up a few things over the course of writing my blog as far as rules of grammar, sentence structure, etc.  I may not always get EVERYTHING right, but overall I think I do a fairly good job and tried to direct a bit of that knowledge into this piece too–without changing any of the “meat” of the story which was already very well established!

Fiction is hard, at least in my opinion.  I tend to need real events in my life to reflect back upon when I’m writing, so I really don’t think I would be very good at dreaming up something like this from scratch.  So kudos to HappilyLockedMan and anybody else who can bring erotic fantasies to life through words on paper!  And it WAS rather fun being an editor, so perhaps I will end up doing more of that in the future as time allows…

Posting both by request and with permission of the author, enjoy!  We would both love to hear any feedback that readers may have on this story!

Aaron and Melissa
by HappilyLockedMan

“Honey, I need you to do this.”

Aaron trembled as Melissa looked into his eyes. She was holding his face with her two hands so he had to look back at her.

“We’ve worked hard for this. This is our moment.”

There was urgency in her voice. Aaron nodded his head and looked down. With that assent Melissa continued with her preparations.


The next set of questions from my inbox is from a gentleman who has written to me before, and seems to happily be getting much more into the lifestyle with his wife lately.  I always enjoy stories and questions like that, keep them coming!

Oh, and if you have not yet voted on your favorite Chastity Christmas tune, please do so here!

Ben (bigdaddyb) updated:

Appreciate reading your blog. And I appreciate you having turned my questions into a post and answering all of them. I wanted to give a brief update from back in April when I sent my initial message. [See previous post HERE ] While my wife hasn’t taken off as 100% domme/keyholder she has certainly begun on the path. Prior to last month after attempting to get her to do a bit longer of chastity play for almost a year and a half the longest she had ever kept me locked was 4 days. Regardless of my repeated requests for her to attempt longer periods between release. I don’t recall exactly how I brought up the subject but during a playfull text I said that “Locktober is coming up which is followed by No-vember”. She replied with a smiley emoticon and I didn’t hear anything else. That was – until Sept 25th came along. I had been uncaged for a few days and she told me I needed to go het her property caged in preparation for Locktober. It caught me off guard because she hadn’t said anything about it and the only mention I had given about it was almost a month prior.

When I did what she told me and handed her the key she said “Good pet, now we both have something to look forward to on my birthday”. Her birthday is on Oct. 20th. I had a moment of extreme excitement as she said that. But then I tried to play coy and said that she wouldn’t last more than 4 days before letting me out. Long story short – she didn’t keep me locked up the entire time – but she did last longer than she had ever before, 8 days. And she has locked me up for another 6 day period after that and then told me to lock up 3 days ago repeating that “it is Locktober so you need to be locked up a lot more”. It would appear that she is beginning to take a liking to things. Her favorite thing to do while I’m locked is to tell me to get “The Trainer” on (shock collar) so that we can lay in bed with each other and I can give her a full body rub.

A few follow up questions for you that I’m sure may be answered in some older posts but I haven’t been able to read through all of them as of yet:

1. Is there any punishment system between the two of you for bad behavior/breaking rules? That’s what I feel is a missing link with my wife and I as she merely tells me that I can’t go down on her as punishment if I do something wrong. But I don’t want my punishment to involve her limiting her pleasure. Wondering about some real life possibilities that others use (not the extreme things you sometimes see when perusing things like Tumblr)

2. Do you know what can and can’t get through a metal detector without setting it off? I have a Holy Trainer V2 and I have a metal cage (haven’t yet paid for a top end one – but it is working out OK so far) that I got off of Amazon from China. I would have to assume that a metal cage would set off all kinds of alarms at an airport security check. What about the small lock that goes with a Holy Trainer V2? I just feel that the plastic locks are cheesy and not a valid option but I also don’t want to have to have a search of that region by an airport security guard. 🙂

3. Do you have any books/blog recommendations that your wife has shown interest in that I might be able to share with my wife to further her interest? (aside from your blog of course – LOL)

I have other questions swimming around in my head but I’m a bit scattered and have to get going anyways. I appreciate your blog and your time in responding to me.


Thank you for you the great questions and continuing to read my blog! I’ve noticed many great comments you’ve left recently throughout different pages as well; I just apologize that you caught me during a VERY busy time in life so it has taken a while to get back with you! I will go through your questions one by one, though some I think you may have already found elsewhere on my blog by now..


One week ago, Halloween night, was not so great around our house.  It started off fun, getting the kids all dressed up in their costumes and feeding off of their excitement about going out to collect candy from all of the neighbors.  It was a cool evening, so we pulled out the fire pit to the front of the house and had a nice blaze going with some friends over to keep that going as well as hand out our own candy while Angel and I were gone with the boys.

Everything was going fine until the third house that we went to, maybe 100 yards from our own driveway.  Angel was walking back down the neighbor’s front hill towards the street, lost her footing and slipped down the hill, breaking her left leg and dislocating the ankle in the process.  Thankfully a police car just happened to be cruising down our street within minutes of the accident, so we managed to flag them down for help and they were able to get an ambulance very quickly as well.

The kids of course were very scared and distraught that mommy wouldn’t be able to keep walking around the neighborhood with them, so it pretty much put a huge damper on the whole evening for everyone.

In the ER, Angel was fixed up as much as they could do at the time and sent home on crutches.  The following day at a follow-up visit she learned that she was going to have to have a little surgery on it since ligaments on both sides of the angle were also torn.  That was scheduled and happened without any further complications on Friday.



Last week, we just returned from our second little vacation for the summer, back to Florida again. This one was a family vacation with the kids though–quite different than the trip Angel and I were able to take last month by ourselves!

For this trip we did the whole Disney thing for a couple of days (first time for the boys), after which we planted ourselves on the beach for the last half of the week. It was fun, don’t get me wrong. And the boys were definitely very excited for many of the rides, getting to meet some of their favorite characters, etc. But on the other hand it can get very frustrating dealing with kids “world is ending” type of problems every day while on vacation.. I love them dearly, but travelling with them can make me want to pull out what little hair I have left! 🙂

But I digress. The point of this story as it relates to chastity is that I was NOT in chastity for most of last week! I knew Angel had picked up a key before we left the house, it was just unclear if/when she would want to use it. Turns out, she was a little bit afraid of me possibly being stopped at the metal detectors at the gates to Disney World.



As we get started on our week long getaway, my first little surprise/gift for Angel comes in the form of… a new Tattoo! Well, sort of. Maybe not exactly full-blown, permanent ink on my body. I don’t think I’d ever really go that far, at least certainly not without first discussing it with Angel and making sure she was on board with it!

But I did come up with this design and sent it off to have a bunch of temporary tats printed! Just in case the picture at the top of this post ever isn’t displaying properly, the best way to describe my tattoo is a heart-shaped padlock with Angel wings around it, and the words “Property of Angel” at the top.

I am wearing one now, right in the pubic area directly above the Jail Bird. Being able to spend an entire week in complete service to my wife/Mistress, this is a very powerful way to start me off immediately in that submissive mindset! That which is locked tightly within a chastity device is certainly Her property, but even more importantly I am completely marked as Angel’s property–mind, body and soul…


Believe it or not, my last post was not originally meant to be all about “Richard,” and strap-on sex!  But as I began writing and got stuck on that topic, it just kept getting longer and longer until I felt it justified its own blog entry.  What I had intended to write about, was the deepening D/s bond which has definitely been happening between Angel and I of late!
I feel like every day I wake up loving Angel even more and more; not just as my beautiful wife, my life partner, and my (kinky) best friend, but as my key-holder and most recently–my Domme.  We’ve talked about this a few times and even Angel can’t believe how much she has been able to find her little “inner dominatrix” and how much she enjoys and even gets off on dominating me!  Of course just hearing her speak in her own words of getting off while having her way with me, just makes me want even more of it right then and there!


I had some more great questions come in from a new reader, regarding (among other things) how I brought my wife on board with male chastity and “convinced” her to keep me locked for longer periods.

bigdaddyb wrote:

I haven’t read through all of your posts (just found the site today) but I have a few questions as I have been trying to figure out how to get my wife to be interested in chastity play.

1. How did you bring it up to your wife and did she show interest right away or did you have to slowly work into it?

2. How long did she lock you up for to begin with? (I read about your current status and lengthy lock up with enjoyment and excitement).

3. Did you have to tell her not to let you out/deny you at first? or did she take to it right away and keep you in? I ask this one because even though I have told my wife how much the thought of T&D in chastity excites me – including the denial part – she still hasn’t kept me locked more than 4 days so far.

4. Did your wife always enjoy her wand or is it something she had to get use to? I bought my wife a wand and a rabbit vibe based on everything I had read thinking that she would enjoy them and that would be a means for her to orgasm while keeping me locked but she has not shown interest in them saying that “they don’t do anything for me”.

5. Does she keep the keys hidden or does she wear one on a necklace/anklet/bracelet?

Thanks in advance for any answers/input. I’m hoping that she will eventually see the fun that can be had for her by being a more strict keyholder.


Happy Valentine’s Day, everybody!  Being how it falls in the middle of the week this year, Angel and I had a chance to celebrate this past weekend instead.  Friday night we had an all-night sitter for the kids, so when those nights come around something fun is almost always bound to happen!  We started off with getting tickets to a Broadway production currently touring at a theatre in our city.  I haven’t been to a live show myself for a few years, so that’s always a good date night!  Since we ran out of time for dinner beforehand, we stopped off for some food after the show, then it was back home where we very quickly made our way to the bedroom, already getting quite frisky!

As I warmed Angel up with my hands, she wanted to jump straight to her best friend (the Magic Wand), propping it between my legs and riding herself to several quick and powerful orgasms!  I love the experience of getting to have a front row seat and being kept right on the edge for the entire time, while Angel basically just uses my body as a wand holder and comes over and over again on top of HER locked dick!  In fact there aren’t many places I’d rather be, second only to having my head down BETWEEN her legs licking her to even more orgasms..  That’s a good thing, I suppose, since as soon as she was completely drenched from riding her wand, Angel rolled over to her back and nudged me right down there to help clean up!


Once again I just wanted to wish everybody a Happy New Year, and take a few moments to recap the fun night that WE had this past weekend, albeit a day early for the new year.  I knew that Angel and I would be out all night with the extended family on new year’s eve, so I had planned our own little party the night before!  Once we were sure the kids were both sound asleep, I had Angel change into a sexy new piece of lingerie I’d bought for her and meet me in the bedroom.  I wish I could get a couple pics on here of that but I doubt she’d appreciate that very much!  But it is this bright red outfit, trimmed in black lace which just barely covers the nipples, then a pair of black fishnet stockings and some new strappy high heels.  Very tall heels have never really been Angel’s “thing,” but I bought her a pair this time anyway hoping she might try them on for me at least once, and I must say that they do look very HOT on her!  She is a tall woman anyway, and these actually make her even taller than me.  When she’s standing and I’m not, it’s as if Angel is just completely towering over me which just seems to add even more to the new D/s dynamic that has been growing ever stronger between us lately!



Besides a couple of new things that I wrote about in my last post that Angel and I explored in November, I forgot to mention something else we’ve been doing pretty much every night for almost a month now.  And that is that I, at least, have been sleeping completely nude (except for the Jail Bird, of course!)  There have always been occasional nights where we would do this, after an evening of sexy fun, then we would both just sort of collapse into each other and fall asleep.  But normally we would each get up at some point (not necessarily at the same time) and pull on some underwear at the very least.  I would especially tend to do that fairly quickly as I’ve always preferred to not just be “flopping around” all over the place while I sleep! 🙂

But one night early last month we must have just REALLY worn ourselves out, because we both went all night sleeping like that.  And I’ve got to tell you, it felt pretty great!  Just having our warm bodies pressed up against each other all night was a treat in itself, but then it also made it that much easier for an extra round the next morning.  Even when I stay locked, morning sex really is the best!! (more…)

A few months ago, I wrote a little bit about how lately (this past year, anyway) I’ve been sort of trying to get a little bit more involved in our local “kink community.”  Specifically, you can re-read my last post on the subject here, if interested: From Play Parties to Phone Sex.

canstockphoto35276707I got started with this by finally getting up the courage to venture out to a Munch which meets once a month just a few miles from my house.  I’ve never really been much of a social butterfly at all, and I’m definitely not particularly good at just striking up random conversation with people I don’t know.  The first time I went to this munch I had absolutely no idea what I was getting myself into, but I am so glad that I tried it!  Everybody is always so warm and welcoming, and overall very easy to talk to.  I’m STILL not always the best at approaching anyone “new” out of the blue, but I’ve gotten to know enough people there, and get introduced to even more folks THROUGH the people I know, that I am definitely much more comfortable in that environment now than when I first started attending.



As I mentioned in a previous post, Angel and the boys were going out of town this weekend to visit some family, leaving me home alone once again. I miss Angel so much when she is gone. I miss not being able to wake up next to her with my cage somewhat involuntarily getting pushed into her body. I miss her reaching back and grabbing it, making sure I know exactly who this dick belongs to! I miss not being able to reach around with my fingers and give her a good wake-up call by beginning to rub her closer and closer to orgasm (pending no children ending up in our bed first, of course! Lol) It’s like a small part of me is always just missing whenever she goes away for a few days.


I have been trying out my new Jail Bird off and on for the past few days just to start getting a feel for it, but never more than a few hours at a time so far.  It has been feeling good though, and I’ve been getting a little antsy not being locked much for the past 9 days!  It really is almost strange how chastity has become such a part of me that it really feels like something is just missing when I’m out for a while! So as of today, I am locked back up and gave Angel the keys back to hold until she’s good and ready to let me out again!  I know it will be at least a little while, as she is going out of town again this weekend to visit some family, and I will be home alone.  That’s another great thing about chastity:  I do always feel like I am still much more connected to Angel when locked, even when we are apart for a few days!



And now for the REST of the story!  (If you haven’t read my last post yet, I highly suggest starting with that, HERE!)

I left off my story with Angel relaxing on a chair in the basement, still calming down from at least one big orgasm that I had given her while she was hanging by her arms from a hook up in the rafters.  It was such a sight to see, and now she was kicking back, still glowing in post-orgasmic bliss, and still wearing nothing but her black lace teddy covering all but her most intimate parts.

I, for one, knew I had to have more, and I was pretty sure that Angel wasn’t quite finished yet either!  I dropped to the floor at her feet, and began kissing her toes, feet, and legs, making her giggle as I hit some rather ticklish spots.  I worked my way up her legs, eager to taste just how wet she still was from just a few minutes prior.  I was definitely not disappointed to get there and find that she was still VERY wet! Angel scooted forward a bit to give me easier access, and I didn’t have to lick very long before I could tell that she was very close to yet another orgasm!



Lately I’ve been writing about several new “firsts” that Angel and I have been able to experience together recently, and this past weekend leading up to the holiday presented yet another!  It’s no secret (at least to readers of my blog here) that we like to “play,” whether it be with light bondage, spanking, vibrators, butt plugs–you name it!  Well a while ago (I can’t really remember if I wrote about this particular experience or not), we played once with some of these “cheaper” little door jamb cuffs, and had a lot of fun with each other actually standing up this time instead of just being tied to the bed or something..  Angel was definitely interested in doing that again, and since we had last Friday night with no kids in the house, I had teased her starting that morning before work by saying that by the end of the day I would have her strung up by her hands and be turning her exposed ass a nice shade of red!


First of all, to all of my readers in the U.S., Happy Labor Day! I don’t really have any pithy remarks about this “unofficial” end of summer, so let’s just say have fun! 🙂  And now on to what I REALLY wanted this post to be about! 

I’ve written a little bit before about WHY I’m interested in male chastity and orgasm denial.  Ok so really that’s basically this entire blog, but specifically I posted about it earlier this year with my piece titled appropriately:

Why Chastity?


I stand by everything I wrote on that page at the time, but the other day I also came across a little different perspective on this topic which I felt was worth writing more about.  This is from a chastity forum on Reddit, where the author granted me permission to cross-post his writing, so enjoy!
