Archive for the ‘Long Term Chastity’ Category

I haven’t done one of these for a while. I’m not sure why.. At the end of 2015 and 2016 I started doing a short analysis of my Current Status Page, and recording how long I’d been locked for each of those years. Turns out I was pretty consistent over that time period, with a solid 304 days locked both years (or you could say I spent ~83% of my time in chastity). Not too shabby! If interested, here are the previous summaries that I had written up those years:

2015 Lock-up Summary
2016 Lock-up Summary

I think I’d planned on continuing that analysis every year, but for some reason in years since then I never actually went back to total everything up. So here’s a brief synopsis of the missing years.



So I wasn’t let out of my Jail Bird chastity device for all of “Locktober,” and we even hit the full year mark for the first time during that month.

Then came “No-Vember,” and Angel really took to that as well, laughing like a schoolgirl at the wordplay every time she would say that was the reason she wouldn’t let me out THAT month!

Now as pretty much a product of my own doing, she insists that I will be continue locked for Christmas! I say my own doing because of the parody I wrote for her a few years back to the tune of Bing Crosby’s “I’ll Be Home For Christmas” only instead making the words say “I’ll Be LOCKED For Christmas!” (follow link there for full lyrics).



I’ve done it!  This past weekend (well, officially maybe more like Tuesday 10/15) I hit ONE FULL YEAR of continuous, 24×7 chastity!

To date I have been locked basically full time since October 1, 2018, but as I’ve written previously I was let out twice for maybe 20 minutes at a time for our 10 year anniversary weekend in mid-October of last year.  But since then, I have been locked in my Jail Bird absolutely non-stop.  That means ZERO releases.  Not for sex, not for cleaning/shaving, not for doctor visits, or even air travel!!  Over the past year, I think I have pretty much proven that there is essentially nothing that I ever do in my day to day life, that can’t be done while locked in a chastity device!


I’ve been writing a bit lately about the happenings of our 10th Anniversary Weekend last October (2018) in a Sybaris pool suite.  I don’t know if Angel even remembers this exact conversation, per se, but I may have actually kind of planted a seed at the time which might have somehow been given some Miracle Gro and started coming to fruition a full year faster than I expected!

To elaborate, one night laying in bed after giving Angel several of her 52 orgasms for that weekend, I recall telling her of my 2020 Vision.  Nothing to do with my eyesight (though that is nearly 20/20 as well!)  I told her then and I’ll say it again now:  If you haven’t heard that term thrown around much yet, I’m quite sure it WILL become a very common catch phrase for anything from politics to corporate planning meetings, you name it..  Anything referring to plans for the year 2020 will be called a “2020 Vision.”  Then I’m sure, the following year everyone will start reflecting back on the year they had, with perfect “2020 Hindsight,” and those phrases will both get very worn out in their public usage.  You heard it here first!  🙂

Anyhow, MY particular 2020 Vision involved chastity.  Obviously–what else would I be thinking of and writing here?  Specifically, my vision involved a full year of continuous lock-up in my Jail Bird chastity device.


This weekend I hit 230 days on my EmlaLock session which started back on the 1st day of “Locktober” 2018! I HAVE been locked basically continuously since that time, with the exception of two very brief outings part way through that month while Angel and I were at Sybaris, but then the keys truly have been locked away and out of reach ever since then.

I don’t know exactly how much time is left, other than the session should end sometime before my birthday in June. Then it will be up to Angel again to determine exactly when I will be released. The remaining time has been on “Very Hot” for several days now so it should be any time now!

Over 7 months now, I am definitely in personal record territory at this point for continuous time locked, and still loving every minute of it!



Ok, I suppose the little teaser from my last post has been going on long enough! I promised at that point to reveal MY answer to one of the most asked questions in the Chastity Community.  I’ve always had opinions about this topic, but now I actually have a bit of experience to back myself up with when talking about it!

For anybody who follows me on FetLife, you may already have seen exactly what I’m talking about here.  No, Fet is still not my primary blogging platform, but in this case it was definitely easier to update there in near-realtime as events were unfolding for me, and now I have a little more time to share with the REST of the world!

Without further ado, the ultimate question that I am now capable of  answering for myself as well as any curious readers out there is…


…Drum roll please…


Flying in chastity! Going through the dreaded metal detectors and/or full body scanners at the airport, while locked. Will TSA agents see, or even care?

I am well aware of one popular opinion on this, which is simply “Don’t do it.” It is not fair to even think about exposing vanilla folks to our kink “non-consensually” yadda yadda. I do respect that stance but please don’t flood me with messages to that effect! Personally I am more in the other camp; that chastity is a personal choice, not illegal, and exposure to certain things like that may come with the territory of certain jobs. An occupational hazard, so to speak. It’s no different than exposing other very personal things like piercings or tattoos to the general public, including people who might find those types of things objectionable. I think as long as everyone remains professional, even a TSA agent can do their job to ensure our flights are safe, without infringing on anybody’s personal space too much.

Back in October when Angel and I agreed to lock the keys to my Jail Bird into a lockbox with the combination controlled by EmlaLock, I never anticipated this trip coming up at all! With only a couple weeks notice, I learned that I would be flying to Las Vegas for a tech conference for work.  When I’ve flown before, I’ve always made sure to not be in chastity at the time, but that has always been when flying with my family (children, mother, etc.). I would worry more about how to explain to THEM why it might potentially take me longer to get through security than they did! But luckily for this trip I would be traveling alone, so the only conversations would be between myself and TSA. What could go wrong? Lol

I’ve read plenty of other threads along these lines and people chime in with their own experiences flying chaste. I’ve seen everything from no issues whatsoever to being taken into a back room for a visual inspection. Some stories I tend to believe, others I’m not really so sure as they just smell of wank fodder… But one thing I’ve NEVER read about was someone being denied boarding a plane because of it! Nor should I ever hear of that happening, because as stated above – not illegal!

It was time that I find out for myself, once and for all, exactly what happens when going through airport security with a steel cage wrapped around the nether regions.  I have been through countless metal detectors at other venues (sporting events, theme parks, courthouse…) but this may just be the ultimate test of it!




Hello, everybody! I know I’ve been very absent for a few months now from my blog and the interwebs in general. But I AM okay, and still alive! I’ve actually had several folks contact me at various times either from my contact page or via FetLife to check up on me and make sure everything’s ok. That’s much appreciated, but no worries- there’s just been way too much “real life” going on so my writing has kind of had to take a back seat to that for a while.

That is not to say that chastity hasn’t still been a very big part of our real lives! In fact, I am still locked and have not been out of my Jail Bird for one single minute since way back in October when I wrote about our little getaway to Sybaris! It has been over 6 months so far for this cycle. I’m not sure if it’s quite my longest lockup yet, but very close. And I’m pretty sure it will be by the time Emlalock releases me this time around!

I do still have a handful of e-mails in my box with some chastity related questions that I haven’t gotten around to answering yet. I DO plan on getting back to those, and greatly apologize for the delay. If you’ve sent something recently and NOT heard back from me, feel free to resubmit and I’ll try to answer even quicker this time. Most likely in the form of a new blog post but I will also try to answer back via email as well when possible.

Now, I do have to admit that the particular timing of my jumping back into the blogosphere is not entirely coincidental! Over the next couple of weeks, I will be having at least a couple of experiences in chastity that I know I will really want to write about. Partly for my own sake, continuing to document my “chaste adventures” so I can look back later and relive the best moments in my head. But also for the readers of my blog, who have still been coming in droves even when it’s been a few months since I’ve posted any new content!  (Thank you for that too, by the way!)


We just returned from a family vacation to the Northeast United States, a good 1200 miles from home! We drove there, so this made for quite a long road trip with two young boys plus all of our in-laws (Angel and I each only have one parent still living). I think spending that much time in a car together can test the patience of ANY family, but overall it really was a pretty fun trip and hopefully something the boys will remember fondly in the years to come!

One big thing that struck me on this trip that I wanted to write about here, was how Angel’s mindset towards chastity has evolved over time without her even realizing it! In years past when we would leave for a vacation, no matter how long I’d been locked ahead of time she has always been very mindful to pack the keys to my chastity device, “just in case she might decide to use them!” And usually, she does. Even if it’s only late one night while everyone else is sleeping in other rooms, she’ll want to let me out for a quickie then often lock me right back up again for the remainder of our trip.



Or even if you’re not, you may still enjoy this! I have no idea about internationally, but at least if you live in the U.S. (even if you don’t follow the sport or attend games very often) surely everyone is at least familiar with the catchy little jingle played during the 7th Inning Stretch at pretty much every game, right?

You know, they get the old pipe organ fired up and everyone sings:

Take me out to the ball game,
Take me out with the crowd.
Buy me some peanuts and cracker jack,
I don’t care if I never get back.
Let me root, root, root for the [home team],
If they don’t win it’s a shame.
For it’s one, two, three strikes, you’re out,
At the old ball game!

WELL, I’ve gone and written some new lyrics to that tune, starting with “Lock Me Up in a Steel Cage!
Then I hired it out to be sung and get a new track created, and it is fantastic!



After over 5 months (163 days total), a personal record setting chastity duration came to an end on New Year’s Day 2018! This wasn’t the longest total duration that I’ve ever been locked, as I’ve done a stint over 6 months before, but it is the longest time that I’ve ever gone without ever being unlocked ONE SINGLE TIME, for anything at all!

Normally Angel will let me out every great once in a while for some quick fun (maybe I’ll even get an orgasm out of it) but then I’m put right back into the cage. As those outings are usually far less than even 20 minutes of freedom, I don’t normally count them as being out, so the chastity session continues. I DO try to record those instances though on my Current Status page as an FYI only. The past 5 months have had ZERO such releases!

Angel has been lamenting quite a bit lately about missing having me inside her, so I wasn’t sure if it would be coming soon or not. Or I guess a better way to phrase it would be if I would be coming soon or not! 🙂 After getting home from the New Year’s party and getting the kids down to bed, Angel was definitely getting a little frisky. She began rubbing the key to the Jail Bird against my back asking if that was something I wanted. I told her that I wanted anything that SHE wanted, whether or not it involved that key!


Happy New Year, everyone!  Whether 2017 was good or bad from your perspective, I hope it only gets better here in 2018!

I love this graphic I found when I went searching for an image for this post.. I think it definitely signifies how the biggest part of my year is sure to be: under lock & key!  This past year was as well, and I’m pretty sure we already set some personal chastity records in 2017, so it will be very interesting to see how much further things may or may not go in 2018!


I said recently that I was going to finally start trying to answer a few questions that have been piling up in my inbox from readers, so here’s the first of them!

Graeme asked:

I have recently become caged and I’m slightly concerned about hygiene. How often realistically should I be allowed out for a proper wash?


First of all let me apologize for taking so long to answer this. If you haven’t already figured out a good cleaning routine I hope you haven’t gotten discouraged and given up on chastity for that reason!

Hygiene is certainly an important issue for anybody who’s locked for more than a day at a time. Failing to keep things clean can lead to any number of problems, ranging from fairly minor (stink) to more serious health issues like infections (especially if there are also any open sores in the area which can sometimes happen with chastity).



My first chastity “sentence” in the Jail Bird, which also happened to be by far my longest continuous chastity term to date, came to an end last week. Unlike sometimes when I am let out of my device, there was no big fanfare involved, and no hot & sexy story to recount about the event. Pretty much no reason to even act like I was out, besides the fact that I was indeed free for well over a day so I felt it was worth resetting the counter and calling it a new session.

canstockphoto38512116.jpgLast Wednesday, I had a doctor appointment scheduled in the afternoon as a consultation for an upcoming colon screening. I kind of doubted that being locked would be an issue at all for just the consultation, but not knowing for sure I had asked Angel about a week earlier if she would be able to unlock me for this appointment, and she agreed. However, we both ended up forgetting about it, and I just remembered that morning as we were both getting ready for work. Unfortunately, that morning tension was already kind of high and tempers flaring a little bit around our house (I’m sure anyone who has ever had to deal with misbehaving children while already running late for work knows exactly the situation we were going through!) So in that case I opted to not add even more to Angel’s plate and ask again to be released. Since I do know exactly where she keeps the keys, once she left the house I just went back and let myself out of the Jail Bird before I went to work myself. Like I said, no fanfare whatsoever!


Today I have hit a full SIX MONTHS straight of being locked in the Jail Bird!  This is already roughly two months longer than my previous personal chastity record, and still counting.  Now this is not to say that I have had completely zero orgasms over the past 6 months or have been locked absolutely 24×7 since October 4, 2016, but both of those statements are ALMOST true.

According to my records on my Current Status page, I have only been unlocked very briefly a total of 4 times over the past 6 months, including two of them on the same day.  I would estimate that I have had less than 1 hour TOTAL of “freedom” since we began this lock-up session.  And each of those outings did include an orgasm, so I can say that I’ve had a total of 4 full orgasms plus 2 of what I like to call “Chastegasms.”  So I guess you could say that I am still averaging 1 “release” per month, give or take a few days/weeks.

Now I’m not going to lie, a chastegasm does feel pretty damn good and does provide a bit of relief from all of the pent up sexual energy that just keeps building inside of me during long periods of chastity.  It ends up being pretty close to a “normal” orgasm, but still very different at the same time.  There’s just something about being scrunched in a steel cage less than 2 inches long, not being able to get completely hard at all and not feeling the stroking motion all the way down your shaft that makes it a completely new experience.  The only way I’ve ever even been able to have one is with very strong vibrations (i.e. from a Hitachi Magic Wand) directly on the tip of the cage.  The most recent such experience was just this past weekend, and it’s a fun story!



I have been wanting for a while to write up a good review of my “Jail Bird” chastity device now that I’ve been wearing it for some time, so here it is!  I’m going to at least try to make this somewhat of a shortened version though.  I know that I’ve written before, and I will still maintain that among Mature Metal’s devices, the Jail Bird and Queen’s Keep are VERY similar in terms of form, function, comfort, etc.  So probably 99% of what I wrote in my Queen’s Keep review will still apply to this device.  That can be viewed HERE.  Instead of repeating much of that information, I will instead try to focus on the differences that I made in the new order and how that’s been working out for me, much of which would have been the same had I been ordering a new Queen’s Keep as well!


Happy Valentine’s Day, everybody!  Being how it falls in the middle of the week this year, Angel and I had a chance to celebrate this past weekend instead.  Friday night we had an all-night sitter for the kids, so when those nights come around something fun is almost always bound to happen!  We started off with getting tickets to a Broadway production currently touring at a theatre in our city.  I haven’t been to a live show myself for a few years, so that’s always a good date night!  Since we ran out of time for dinner beforehand, we stopped off for some food after the show, then it was back home where we very quickly made our way to the bedroom, already getting quite frisky!

As I warmed Angel up with my hands, she wanted to jump straight to her best friend (the Magic Wand), propping it between my legs and riding herself to several quick and powerful orgasms!  I love the experience of getting to have a front row seat and being kept right on the edge for the entire time, while Angel basically just uses my body as a wand holder and comes over and over again on top of HER locked dick!  In fact there aren’t many places I’d rather be, second only to having my head down BETWEEN her legs licking her to even more orgasms..  That’s a good thing, I suppose, since as soon as she was completely drenched from riding her wand, Angel rolled over to her back and nudged me right down there to help clean up!


I have been trying out my new Jail Bird off and on for the past few days just to start getting a feel for it, but never more than a few hours at a time so far.  It has been feeling good though, and I’ve been getting a little antsy not being locked much for the past 9 days!  It really is almost strange how chastity has become such a part of me that it really feels like something is just missing when I’m out for a while! So as of today, I am locked back up and gave Angel the keys back to hold until she’s good and ready to let me out again!  I know it will be at least a little while, as she is going out of town again this weekend to visit some family, and I will be home alone.  That’s another great thing about chastity:  I do always feel like I am still much more connected to Angel when locked, even when we are apart for a few days!



There hasn’t been a whole lot of chastity-related activity going on around our house lately to speak of, but so far things are going pretty well with the Queen’s Keep since having it resized!  I really like the shorter length, as now I truly am always pushed up against the tip of the cage instead of not being able to completely fill it when soft.  I haven’t noticed the bad chafing that I had started getting before either.  One other thing that I HAVE changed up though, is using a dab of baby oil gel every day at the bottom of the cage and as much as I can get under the cage.  That stuff doesn’t really absorb into the skin very fast so it keeps everything nice and fluid.  It does seem to help! 



As more and more people discover and read parts of my blog, I inevitably field a number of various questions around chastity.  I do try my best to get back with at least a brief answer for each and every question that comes up, and many of them even become an entire topic for a new blog post.  One question that seems to be asked most often is simply “WHY?  Why the heck would I actually WANT to be locked in a chastity device and be denied orgasm?  I write often about all of the orgasms/pleasure that Angel is receiving (at my “expense”), but what about MY pleasure; isn’t that important too?

canstockphoto8241603Now, the easiest answer to that question would be to just go back and read my entire blog from the beginning! After all, that’s basically what the entire subject of Thrill of the Chaste is all about! 🙂  But that’s kind of mean.. I could never actually answer one of my readers in that way!  Lol  I am into the 100’s of posts now, so that would be an awful lot of content to sift through.  And I do greatly appreciate the fact that so many people do read my blog and ask such thoughtful questions as they try to comprehend why exactly I do what I do, so I don’t think it would be fair in the least to just brush anybody aside and tell them that their question has already been answered, so go find it…

As I thought more about it, I realized that I have written pretty extensively on various blog posts about WHY I enjoy chastity so much, but I can’t recall ever dedicating one single post to that topic alone.  So here it is!  This should give a pretty good rundown of why I allow myself to be locked in chastity (and even ask for it).  When I get this question in the future, I may very well start redirecting folks back to this particular page, so if that is you, please don’t be offended that I didn’t type out a personalized, lengthy response to your question.  I think this should give you the very basics, and if you want to know more about literally ANY aspect of the lifestyle that I haven’t covered enough of here, please feel free to keep asking questions!  If you ask about something that I either don’t know or don’t have any direct experience with then I will tell you that; but if I have any insights/opinions on the topic then I’m more than happy to share it!



I have been learning lately, that not only is a good fitting chastity device crucial for long-term comfort, but that it can actually change over time!  I wrote a tiny blurb in my last post (Left To My Own Devices) about how recently I have been noticing a bit of an issue with the very bottom of the cage kind of rubbing a sore spot on the scrotum.  I had just a tiny bit of an issue with this early on with the Queen’s Keep, but had found that keeping things lubricated and sort of “free-flowing” would solve the problem, and I hadn’t had any issue with that in quite a long time.  Lately though, it has been happening again, and it seems like none of my normal little tricks are working to make it better.  MOST of the time it isn’t too bad and I barely even notice it.  Until I do notice, then it can be difficult to get comfortable for a little while..  I have had to go so far as to take the cage off and put a band-aid over the sore spot in order to keep the cage from rubbing it too hard; and as my last post indicated, at the worst case I even had to leave it completely off for a couple days to heal.