Archive for the ‘Chastity Fiction’ Category

I had something new and interesting come up the other day, where a reader and aspiring author [HappilyLockedMan] wrote to ask if I would possibly be interested in reading over a short story (fiction) that he had written.  Of course I’m always a sucker for a good chastity story, real or fiction, so I obliged.  And I have to say, it was good!  In my opinion, right out of the gate I’d call it just as good if not better than a large part of other similar content I’ve ever come across out on the net.

Anyway, over the course of several e-mails I found myself helping HappilyLockedMan with some editing, and I think there’s really a pretty decent product here!  Now as I told him, I have no credentials whatsoever as a copy editor, but I have picked up a few things over the course of writing my blog as far as rules of grammar, sentence structure, etc.  I may not always get EVERYTHING right, but overall I think I do a fairly good job and tried to direct a bit of that knowledge into this piece too–without changing any of the “meat” of the story which was already very well established!

Fiction is hard, at least in my opinion.  I tend to need real events in my life to reflect back upon when I’m writing, so I really don’t think I would be very good at dreaming up something like this from scratch.  So kudos to HappilyLockedMan and anybody else who can bring erotic fantasies to life through words on paper!  And it WAS rather fun being an editor, so perhaps I will end up doing more of that in the future as time allows…

Posting both by request and with permission of the author, enjoy!  We would both love to hear any feedback that readers may have on this story!

Aaron and Melissa
by HappilyLockedMan

“Honey, I need you to do this.”

Aaron trembled as Melissa looked into his eyes. She was holding his face with her two hands so he had to look back at her.

“We’ve worked hard for this. This is our moment.”

There was urgency in her voice. Aaron nodded his head and looked down. With that assent Melissa continued with her preparations.
