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Subliminal Cuckolding Fantasy?

Angel and I had somewhat of an interesting conversation a few days ago, about a particular dream that she had the night before..  Angel was clearly very nervous about even bringing it up, and wanted to make sure that I wouldn’t get mad at her.  I assured her that I wouldn’t, and she proceeded to tell me that she had this dream where she almost started an affair with a co-worker of hers.  She thought it was kind of weird because while she was friends with the guy, she had never really thought of him in that way!  She did say that if it made me feel any better, they didn’t end up going through with anything because they were both married… 

Angel seemed like she was feeling very guilty about the dream and felt she had to get it off of her chest and tell me about it.  I told her it was completely fine, only a dream, and I really was NOT mad about it at all!  In fact, as she told this story I actually found myself getting rather turned on by the idea of Angel finding her own ways to feed her vast sexual appetite, while still keeping me locked and denied, waiting for her to decide to let me out again!  What’s even more surprising is how obvious it was that I was rather turned on by it..  This happened to be the same morning this past week that I woke up very sick.  My stomach was hurting, I didn’t feel well at all, and sex was probably the furthest thing from my mind..  Yet despite all of that, by the end of her story the Queen’s Keep was getting VERY tight on me again!  🙂

Now, I have never really fantasized about being cuckolded before, and truthfully I’m not really sure that I would ever ACTUALLY be ok with it in real life.  But I CAN, in a way, see the appeal of such a fantasy!  I absolutely LOVE to see Angel’s body language as she orgasms, and am thrilled that most of the time I literally have the first-hand experience of helping her to get there!  As we’ve gotten more and more into chastity, “regular sex” is pretty rare for us, and in fact as of this writing I have not been allowed inside her since Valentine’s Day.  While I do miss that aspect sometimes, I also do love the build-up, the tease & denial, and the unknown of when I might be allowed that treat again!  The idea of her possibly making me wait even longer by taking care of her other “needs” with somebody else, does have a certain appeal!

The idea of cuckolding has come up on this blog before, over on my Discussion Board..  As clearly stated by at least a couple of folks there, it is DEFINITELY a slippery slope within a marriage and not to be taken lightly!  That’s one big reason that I really don’t believe it would ever really work in OUR relationship, but you still can’t fault a fun fantasy, right?!

I guess the question here is whose fantasy is it?  Are Angel’s subconscious dreams telling her something?  Was my own subliminal reaction to her dream even more revealing of MY mindset on the topic?  I’d be somewhat surprised if this conversation even repeats itself any time in the very near future at all, but it’s still kind of fun to think about!

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