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Chastity Bloggers in the News

I came across a recent article from the Huffington Post, titled “How A Male Chastity Device Transformed One Couple’s Marriage.”  [see Link for full article.]  It is about a particular blog which I thoroughly enjoy reading: Male Chastity Journal.  []

This is a blog written by BOTH parties in their FLM (Female-Led Marriage).  Caged Lion and Mrs. Lion do an excellent job of writing about their experiences in the male chastity lifestyle from each of their respective perspectives.  What’s even more incredible is that they write extensively, EVERY DAY!  That alone takes a lot of dedication!

It was nice to see the Lions featured in a mainstream publication like this, putting the topic of male chastity out there in a good light!  I know that in many circles this would still be considered a pretty taboo sexual activity, but I really believe that if more people knew about it and about the many benefits that the chastity lifestyle can have throughout an entire relationship, there would be a LOT more people trying it out!  So it’s great to see articles like this helping to spread the word.

Congratulations to Lion & Lioness for the headlines!  Keep up the great writing! 🙂

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