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Chaste Activities

Something I’ve been working on for a little while lately is trying to compile a list of normal, everyday activities that I engage in (either on a daily basis or just occasionally), which I am also able to do while wearing a chastity device.  I have added this list as a separate “Blog Page” within the side and top menus of my site.

This list is specific to myself, for activities that I have personally engaged in while chaste, but I do welcome comments (on that page, please) from readers with any other experiences you may have had–especially if there is something that you CANNOT do while wearing a device!  For the most part, it seems like my Queen’s Keep does not really prohibit me from doing anything that comes up during my normal, daily routine.

The last point I wanted to make is that this list is primarily for NON-SEXUAL activities, as things that I can/cannot do in that department are fairly obvious–not to mention well documented throughout this blog!  Chastity is somewhat of a unique “kink” (for long-term wearers, at least) given how it extends far outside the bedroom, and into every mundane detail of our lives!

I will update this list periodically, as I think of anything new to add, so feel free to check back once in a while to see what’s different or to let me know about your own experiences!

The full list that I’ve come up with so far can be viewed here:

Chaste Activities

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