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Four Months in the Keep

We’ve done it!  Four full months of being locked 24×7 in the Queen’s Keep with absolutely no release, even for a cleaning! I’d say it’s a good thing I chose one of the more “open” chastity designs, like the Queen’s Keep, otherwise it would be much more difficult to take care of and keep the device from getting rather smelly!  At any rate, I might have been able to get a break from it last weekend after EmlaLock released the keys back to us, except for the fact that Angel decided that as close as we were we should shoot for a full 4 months..  So here we are! My previous record duration of 60 days has been completely shattered (by more than double).  I could try to say it’s been the hardest 4 months of my life (no pun intended!), but it really hasn’t! 

In the beginning, when I first started getting into chastity, I doubt there’s any way I would have made it nearly this long.  Even more recently, when Angel first started getting into it WITH me, there’s no way SHE would have made it having me locked for nearly this long either!  But with a little bit of practice (and yes–in this case also with a little bit of “enforced help” from EmlaLock), we made it! It has been quite a ride these last 4 months, with both of us going through several times of desperately wanting to have me out for some of that close, intimate contact that we haven’t had since the last time I locked back up following our Anniversary Get-Away weekend.  That was at the end of September! But Angel can still have plenty of fun by other means while I’m locked, and I truly can’t get enough of watching that and participating as much as I am able to!

So if you have been caught up on my previous posts regarding this current round of chastity and are still reading this far, you must be wondering if I was finally able to get a release after hitting our 4 month goal or if I am still locked.  And the answer is…


See my Current Status page to find out!  Lol

It’s still early in the weekend when I’m posting this update, so even if I’m not out YET, who knows what might actually happen by the time we both have to go back to work on Monday!  🙂 I may or may not have any time to write a whole other post when my current status changes, but it’s easy enough to update that page.  Don’t worry, there will be a more descriptive post about it eventually!


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