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Thank You for 50,000 Views!

I haven’t been watching my stats particularly close lately, but just noticed that I’ve hit 50,000 page views on my blog! I am still rather amazed at just how many people read this, and hopefully get at least a little something out of my experiences! Sometimes it is hard to find the time to really write very much, so the time between posts can fluctuate a lot. But I have certainly still been enjoying putting my thoughts and experiences down on “paper!” As I’ve mentioned before, as long as I still feel that I have something pertinent and worthwhile to say, I will continue to do my best to keep this updated as much as possible.

I also continue to be amazed at how far around the world my blog is being read. I am up to about 116 different countries now! So once again I want to give a big THANK YOU to everybody, all over the world, who continue to read and leave engaging comments on my pages!

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