
Well we’ve done it! It has been almost a week since we floated the idea of securing my keys in the lockbox and starting a new session on CarliLock.  But tonight, the topic came up again and this time we did something about it!

I showed Angel how the site worked, and let her set the random combination and upload a picture without my ever seeing it.  She was still thinking for now, that sometime around Easter weekend might be a good time for a possible release, so we set the session times (both Starting and Max duration) to 2 weeks. Already 33 days into this session so far, and now it is for sure going to be at least another 14 days! IF it comes off that day, that would put me just short of the 7 week mark. We will just have to see how Angel is feeling about it at that time to see if I will end up going even longer than that!

CarliLock does have one (slightly annoying) “requirement” for free members, that in order to get the unlock code back you are supposed to get some “non-user” of the site to click on a certain link which basically just takes them right back to the CarliLock site. I have found that this is never really enforced though, at least not beyond whatever was set as the “Max Duration” for the session. In other words, once I’ve hit the maximum time allowed for myself it’s going to let me out whether I’ve completed that requirement or not. But what the heck, since I seem to have a pretty wide audience here, if anybody would like to check out this link and help fulfill my duties back to the site which is currently holding the trump card over my real “live” key-holder, here it is!


Damn, as if it were possible to want Angel even more than I already have for the past few weeks, I think that BOTH of us having absolutely no access to the keys certainly does raise that bar to a whole new level!  Yes, we did this once before, but Angel taking the reins and initiating it… just… Wow!  🙂

  1. dusty says:

    I am all so a member I put my friend link on blogs for others to keep me locked my max time is 6 weeks if people decide to keep me locked up that long http://carlilock.com/friends.php?a=OmM0MiQzKCVje2MlNDI1OGNtYyglY3tjdXZwc3FjPA==

  2. Sorry I think only you could access one of the options. So maybe only two options for visitors. Heh!

  3. No, you’re given 3 options and you have to choose one. If the visitor leaves the page without doing so, you get a penalty.

    • pcguy0681 says:

      Hmm, ok- interesting. Thank you for the information! I had noticed a number of “penalties” were applied to my session, which I thought was odd since I didn’t think we enabled any of that… Luckily we set the starting duration and max duration to the same (2 weeks), so even with penalties it won’t keep me locked past the maximum. At least it shouldn’t… Guess we’ll find out! Lol

  4. pcguy0681 says:

    I wanted to say thank you to the 6 people who have apparently already clicked through the link above to fulfill my “release requirement” with CarliLock! It’s been a long time since I’ve seen exactly what that does, is it basically just a place trying to get you to create a new account on their site?

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